Local Lettuce


Local lettuce has a curly edge, soft crunchy texture, and subtle taste…

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Local lettuce has a curly edge, soft crunchy texture, and subtle taste. It is commonly served with spring rolls, used in salads, or as a garnish.

We call it Local LettuceĀ but it is more commonly known as ā€œChinese Lettuceā€ orĀ Sheng CaiĀ here.

Chinese ā€“ Sheng Cai (ē”Ÿčœ)

Cantonese ā€“ Shang Choy

Taiwanese ā€“ Wo Ju (čŽ“č‹£)

Malay ā€“ Selada

Flavor Profile

The Local Lettuce definitely has a stronger taste as compared to its western counterparts. Instead of the crisp leaves that most lettuces are known to have, the local lettuce has soft leaves. There is also a slightly bitter aftertaste, and many claim they are refreshing when eaten raw.

Nutritious Benefits

i) Vitamins ā€“ The Local or Chinese Lettuce, like most leafy vegetables, are rich in Vitamins A, Vitamin B6, Folate (B9),Ā Ā Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.

ii) Minerals ā€“ This variation of lettuce have the following minerals that are essential for your body: Calcium, Fiber, Iron, Potassium, and Phosphorus.

iii) Others ā€“Ā Like most lettuces, the Local Lettuce is high in antioxidants that aid in fighting off cancer cells/free radicals. As this vegetable is high in water content, it also helps keep the body hydrated. It has cooling and anti-inflammatory effects on the body as well.*

Use of Lettuce: Lettuce is consumed raw and cold, so it is commonly used in salads, burgers, and tacos. Lettuce juice is very nutritious, especially when combined with carrot and spinach juices. The lighter green variety is better for juicing, as the juice of the dark green one has a bitter taste. It is also easier to juice the crisp leaves rather than the soft ones.

Tip: Lettuce leaves should be washed thoroughly, dried before use, and consumed quickly. Cut surfaces exposed to air lose their crispness and nutrition.

Weight: 200-300g per packet

Other product suggestion: Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

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